Benefits of a Medication Delivery Service
When providing service to patients, it’s essential to prioritize their needs above all else. One of the greatest needs caregivers have when treating patients is that of obtaining and administering medication when needed. What are some ways to meet this need as quickly and efficiently as possible? One way is through a medication delivery service. A medication delivery service can be a very useful tool for patients and caregivers. Here are some reasons why West TN Pharmaceutical Care is the best choice for your medication delivery needs.
Benefits of Medication Delivery Service
- Convenience
A predominant reason for a medication delivery service is convenience. Medication can be delivered directly to a patient’s home, and this offers supreme convenience. This is particularly optimal for patients who can no longer drive. However, this service provides convenience to all types of patients. The idea of cutting one more errand out of a long list is appealing to nearly every patient. - Personalization
The use of a medication delivery service isa wonderful way to get personalized support. Providing refill notifications, private consultations with pharmacists, and personalized medication reminders, a delivery service is a great way to receive the kind of service your patients deserve. This attention to personalized medication can provide a greater level of support and care. The pharmacists at West TN Pharmaceutical Care are available to provide patients with personalized consultations.
- Privacy
There may be nothing as private and personal as one’s health. Traveling to a pharmacy and speaking with a pharmacist in person may feel a bit violating, as pharmacies are frequently very public environments. Using a medication delivery service is a great way to keep healthcare private; this means it stays between the patient, the doctor, and the pharmacist. Having access to a pharmacist means understanding drug interactions, side effects, and precautions, from the privacy of your own home. - Accessibility
Using a medication delivery service means increasing the chances of accessing medications that are essential to the health and wellness of the patient. Some patients find it challenging to access pharmacies due to limited driving ability or due to mobility issues. Securing access to all medications through delivery means that the patient can overcome these challenges and strictly adhere to the medication that is prescribed to them. - Safety
Patients who have compromised immune systems should not be exposed to others who might be carrying other illnesses. Elderly patients also should not be exposed to anyone who has an illness of any kind. Particularly in the era of COVID-19, it is much safer to receive medications via delivery rather than in person. Keeping patients as healthy as possible is of utmost importance to any care provider. - Medication Consistency
When prescriptions are ordered specifically and sent directly to patients, there is much less room for error. Whether you’re interrupted by illness, prohibited by distance, or have some other conflict, individuals will find it much easier to have medications delivered than to pick up the medication at the pharmacy. This means that patients will be able to stay consistent with their medications and not have to miss a dose. This feature is essential for those battling a chronic condition. - Timesaving/Quicker Recovery Time
Patients who require medication need to receive the prescribed medication as soon as possible. Ordering directly from a pharmacy like West TN Pharmaceutical Care means receiving that medication delivery fast, which means a quicker recovery time. Bottom of Form
West TN Pharmaceutical Care helps with more information about medication deliveries on our blog. Offering the gold standard in assisted living pharmaceutical care, we pride ourselves on serving our patients with the best possible options in the delivery of medications. Not only do we offer delivery of prescription medications, but we also offer.
- Medication Blister Packaging
This type of packaging makes it much easier for patients to keep track of the medication they’re taking and make sure that they don’t a. skip a dose or b. double dose. - eMAR
This system, known as Electronic Medication Administration Records, is a way to simplify health records as it is capable of managing over 60 at one time. - DIDD partnership
Also known as the Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, this is an agency in Tennessee that assists individuals who fall into this category with their medical and prescription needs. They work with families in several ways, providing family support and cost-effective medical options.
Medication Adherence
At West TN Pharmaceutical Care we are devoted to keeping patients on track and making sure that they are medication adherent. This means they take their medication according to instructions, about 80% of the time.
West Tennessee Pharmaceutical Care
At West TN Pharmaceutical Care we are committed to serving the assisted living facilities families trust to care for their loved ones. We are a closed pharmacy that caters directly to the needs of assisted living and/or supported living facilities. Trust our 20+ years of experience to provide your facility to customize your pharmaceutical services with a personal touch. Our numerous services offer the best quality control and customer care in Jackson, TN, and the surrounding area. To apply for service visit our application page or just to get more information, visit our website or call (731) 554-9872.